Wednesday, April 23, 2014


AGAIN AND STILL TIME PASSES--I riffle through the comodious cedar chest, selecting bits and samples of cloth woven in other times and places. Some of the fabrics date back 40 years. I've been saving them for something--as it turns out, it is to create 144 lavender pillows for an upcoming show THE POWER OF GATHERING OVER TIME opening May 2 at The 4 Ravens Gallery in downtown Missoula, Montana.

Normally I would seek sewing assistance, but when my computer suffered a severe catatonic episode requiring a week long stay in the hospital---well, what's a body to do? Get out the sewing machine, iron, and cutting board and get into it!

I got so into it! Each pillow became a tiny woven composition. I won't say that no two are alike, but pretty close. 



Anonymous said...

Big congratulations, Bonnie--what an AWESOME accomplishment!

marde said...

You're a perpetual inspiration Bonnie! Looking forward to seeing the show.